
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Apple cinnamon baked oatmeal crumble and other eats

Hey guys! *crickets* So I guess this blog is becoming more of a food diary with recipes whenever I get a chance to cook/bake. I've become quite an avid follower of quite a few food diary type blogs which have inspired me to take snaps of the more interesting foods I consume. 

I found this apple cinnamon baked oatmeal recipe and have been eager to try it! Made a few adjustments so I've given my version below. This was an incredibly easy and delicious breakfast, perfect for a rainy morning. Enjoyed it with some vanilla yoghurt and fruit. Next time I'll use the same base recipe but add other fruits (or pumpkin!) instead of apple puree.

Apple cinnamon baked oatmeal crumble
Serves 1
40g multigrain oats
100ml water (or milk)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp maple syrup (or other sweetener, if desired)
~25g of any add-ins you'd like (sultanas, dates, nuts, choc chips)
Demerara or brown sugar for sprinkling on top

1/4 cup apple puree (or pumpkin puree, other fruit)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp maple syrup (or other sweetener, if desired)

1. Preheat oven to 170C (fan-forced).
2. Combine oats, water, cinnamon, sweetener and add-ins in a bowl.
3. Prepare apple puree.
4. Pour half of oat mixture into an oven-proof dish of about a cup capacity (greased if you wish to evert it). Pour in the apple mixture. Top with remaining oat mixture and sprinkle sugar on top.
5. Bake for 20 minutes until a slight golden crust forms.
6. Enjoy with yoghurt, ice-cream, milk, nut butters, fruits etc!!!

Toasted seedy Costco bagel topped with some minced garlic, cottage cheese, baby spinach, beetroot and roast pumpkin.

Strawberry yoghurt, museli, blueberries, strawberries and gold kiwi. Love this mix.
 All messed up

Chilled, cut up apple with cinnamon - a favourite snack!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Recent Eats!

Food I've eaten lately!

Veggie bowl - zucchini, broccoli, mushroom, spinach, roast pumpkin, beetroot, chopped basil, cottage cheese and cayenne pepper.

Dad's pizza - pumpkin, spinach, basil, mozarella on a garlic-tomatoey base. I pre-steamed the pumpkin and spinach.
 Also some cheesy garlic slices.

Not the greatest picture (ate it originally on top of veggies) - didn't take one till was packing up the left-overs! This was extremely yum! BBQ lentils.

My own museli (oats, bran cereal, sultanas, brazil nuts, almonds, pepitas, sunflower seeds, cinnamon) with vanilla almond milk, strawberries, mango and gold kiwi and a sprinkle of cinnamon.


Green and Black's 85% dark chocolate

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Chickpea Curry with quinoa and 2x breakfasts

Had to whip up some dinner for myself tonight and wanted something with lentils or chickpeas. So after scanning through my 'to try' recipes I settled on this chickpea curry (chana masala) and served it with quinoa and steamed veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, mushroom, baby spinach). This was super flavourful and really spicy!

Cheerios, All Bran, soy milk, strawberries, blueberries, gold kiwi + all sprinkled with cinnamon.

Multigrain oatmeal with one egg white whisked in towards the end + mashed banana, strawberries, blueberries and a crumbled honey graham + cinnamon.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Peanut Butter macs and 'Cowboy' macs

Decided to try my luck using the dodgy college oven and make some macarons. Some of my first batch of shells failed (see below) but I eventually managed to figure out what needed to be done. They all turned out a bit too soft/underdone.

Salty peanut butter filling - just didn't have the vanilla unfortunately but was still YUM
Then I drizzled melted milk chocolate over the top. Next time I might consider putting a few choc chips in the filling for texture!

Cowboy macarons
For the filling I used this buttercream recipe as a base (minus the vanilla and milk) and added 1.5 TBSP Bailey's Irish Cream and 1 TBSP Butterscotch Schnapps. This was SO delicious.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

No-bake chocolate cheesecake

A few 'firsts' for me with this recipe = gelatin and whipping cream. Lesson learned = don't add in the solidified bits of gelatin (liquid only) to the cheese mix because you'll get little gelatin chunks throughout (to be honest it wasn't very noticeable in the final product). I used 5 scant tsp of gelatin by the way and the texture was great in my opinion (not too hard or soft). This recipe was fantastic and will definitely make again to try the layer technique. Made this with choc ripple biscuit base and milk chocolate only for the cheesecake. I then cooked some strawberries for about 2 mins in some water and vanilla caster sugar (that had simmered down to a syrup for about 5 mins prior). Grated white chocolate on top and made some chocolate curls from a block of slightly softened chocolate and a vegetable peeler!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Breakfasts lately

Been having either oatmeal or cereal with STACKS of fruit lately. Super delicious.

Quinoa, multigrain oats, pre-soaked chia seeds, sunflower kernels, cinnamon, strawberries, blueberries and a gold kiwi. 

Golden Graham cereal with strawberries, blueberries, a gold kiwi, soy milk and cinnamon sprinkled on top.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Cookies, macarons, muffins, slices, pastry, spiders and CRACK pie

Have had a few bake sales and dinner parties lately. Here's the update!

Snickerdoodle egg-yolk cookies
These were very addictive. Delicious. Stayed soft overnight. Baked these for 10 minutes in my oven. Added cinnamon chips on top.

Salted Caramel Macarons
Salted caramel swiss meringue buttercream
These shells may be my best ones yet. They were in the oven for 17 minutes. Wasn't 100% sure about the silky soft filling - would have preferred it to have a stronger caramel flavour and maybe be slightly firmer. Got rave reviews from all who tried these though!

Peanut butter and chocolate filled pastry pillows
Quick and easy dessert. So good!!!!

Chocolate coconut rough slice
Base = 1/2 this recipe
Filling and ganache
Quite yummy! Used some of the ganache to ensure the filling stuck to the base. The filling was a little dry so would maybe reduce the oven time in the future. May try dessicated instead of shredded in the filling too for a 'smoother' texture.

Chocolate Spiders
A childhood favourite! Used Dark Chocolate Dreams peanut butter.

Crack Pie
So decadently gooey. Soooooooo unhealthy but man.. you gotta try this.
Blueberry macarons
Shell (as above)
Not too bad. I don't think these shells were left in the oven long enough so were a bit soft (they were in the oven 10-15minutes). The filling was delicious! Quite runny though and had to leave it in the freezer for some time before it was workable.

Incredibly moist and tasty. Topped it with chopped walnuts and demerara sugar. Freeze well! I actually enjoy them frozen straight from the freezer.